My life has been filled with amazing people, places, and events.

This blog represents my random reflections on it all.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

On Christianity

I am a Christian. Not ashamed of the label -- most of the time.

Fellow Christians sometimes embarrass me. At times I want to distance myself from them. I don't want my beliefs and their behaviors to be equated in anyone's mind. This is particularly true when other professing Christians make anti-human rights part of a political cause and put it in the same category as being more American than thou; I don't believe Jesus ever, ever, not in this world or any other, would have done that. I'm talking about anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-black, anti-Muslim or any other anti-neighbor issue. "Love your neighbor as yourself..." (Mark 12:31). Such linguistic hatred I've heard spew out of some other Christians' mouths!

Being a Christian to me has nothing to do with political issues and certainly nothing at all to do with hatred. It's very simple to me. To be a Christian is to accept Jesus as God's Son, as the Messiah, as the person whose life I want to emulate, continually falling short, but (yes, can I hear a hallelujah?) Jesus taught about forgiveness. And oh, how I lean on forgiveness and God's grace! How can I not then offer the same to my neighbors, of whatever stripe? Grace is inclusive of all, not exclusive to some.

My Lord has not always been knowable to me and still, in many ways, remains unknowable. That is part of it for me: to accept that I cannot define God or always discern his will. In other words, professing Christ does not allow me to play God.

Nor does being Christian make me infallible like God. It just saves me from the punishment I deserve through the punishment Jesus took for himself on my behalf. He paid my price. Why would he do such a thing? Because I am loved more deeply than any earthly being, even those who I know love me, can love me. So is everyone. There is nothing at all special about me in this regard.

But for Republicans, Democrats, or Independents like me? Conservatives, liberals, moderates? Jesus' name has nothing to do with it. I would appreciate it if political causes were not summoned in his name unless those causes are about love and forgiveness and, most of all, grace.

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